Wednesday 21 October 2009

Tree garland

I'd been trying out new Christmas cards and came up with this design (above). The fabric is actually stitched straight on to the card. I kind of liked it but there was something that wasn't quite right, so I took the idea and made in to something more 3 dimensional - what do you think?

I'm thinking I could make both strings of trees and individual ones to go on the tree itself...

I'm desperately looking for some polka dot fabric - linen if possible - with red dots on white/cream. Does anyone have any suggestions. For the time being I've comprimised and stitched some red beads on to plain linen, but it's quite time consuming!

Then I looked at the spotty trees and thought they looked a bit like toadstools so made one of these..

Okay, so they're not exactly traditional at Christmas, but they fit in with my red and white theme! Artistic license I think they call it. I reckon it's cute. Now I'm thinking about using this as a part of mobiles for little girls....STOP! I have to concentrate on Christmas for now! As usual my mind is six months ahead of my stitching fingers!!

Decorations will be available on Folksy soon.

Hope you're all having a good week!


  1. OMG Love, love, love them. I'm gunna be skint this Christmas after shopping with you. Family discounts though and all that (wink wink) ♥

  2. Do you want to bankrupt me? It is seriously heading that way! Just completely scrummy.

  3. err. You see that guy with the cap, yes him above. He didn't actually write that. I did. AND he really truly most definitely does not need to know about the bankruptcy bit. So Kirsty if it's alright with you, and of course Amy of the lovely new fringe but not of the ginormous bottom, we won't tell him. x

  4. I think these are great, really cute and another winner I am sure. Can't help you on polka dot linen I'm afraid but if I come across any I'll let you know (really, really like the mushroom!). BTW, odd, can't comment on your blog these days under my wordpress ID - strange...

  5. Ha, ha Laura, I did guess! I don't think I know any man who uses the word scrummy!

  6. Ohhhhh I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! You have put that twine to good use Kirsty :-)

    I didn't get your message honey, sorry.

    I do have some white with red polka dots. I have a cotton lawn with very tiny red dots. Is that any good to you? I don't have any linen. I used to get some lovely red polka dot fabric from Cabbages and Roses but they seem to have stopped doing it.

  7. Hi Kirsty, just wanted to let you know I have passed you an award via my blog. Feel free to accept, but don't pass along unless you wish to. Bethx

  8. Hi there, love the garland... made some similar tree cards, a few weeks back, love the feel of fabric on card... yum!
    Marion ;0)
