Gah, I had such good intentions of keeping this blog up to date, but I have failed miserably!!
This post will mainly be lots of images with brief descriptions, so congratulations to anyone who makes it all the way to the end!!
Firstly I need to say a MASSIVE Thank You to all of you who donated to my Comic Relief raffle (see last post).
This was the total on Red Nose Day - and there are still donations trickling in. A fab result - thank you, and congratulations to Annette Knight who won the driftwood cottages.
A couple of commissions from recent months: the one above was a dream come true for me as the customer wanted a large piece (this one was approx 80cm wide) but incorporating all the items I love to make: cottages, a caravan, bike, lamp posts and bunting! I have had several requests for similar since - it’s fun to work on a larger scale!
This customer wanted a pub and washing line!
And this one an old-fashioned telephone box.
This one was for a florist who wanted something springlike for her wall! Click on the picture for a better look...
Another commission: Gone Fishing.
I have 2 exhibitions on the horizon (my excuse for neglecting my blog!)
The first is at
Baxters Gallery in Dartmouth, which runs for 3 weeeks, starting on May 24th. The exhibition is called "Smile", so hopefully it will make you do exactly what it says on the tin!
This piece is based on the iconic "Boatfloat" in the town.
This jolly sailing boat on the waves will be heading there too.
I will also have a few pieces at the "Worn Away" exhibition at
Unit Twelve (May 30 - Aug 31st), including this one, entitled "Pier At Night".
I love the barnacles on this piece!
I am also frantically making for the event of the year,
The Contemporary Craft Fair, which celebrates its 10 year anniversary this year!
This piece, called "Esplanade" is probably the longest one yet - and was tricky to photograph, so click on the photo for a better view!
This one I made recently, using this gorgeous piece of oak, which must have been part of a boat. The original copper nails go all the way through to the base, and I had no chance of getting them out, so I decided to incorporate them into the design and create some trees!
Another peaceful fishing scene...
A lighthouse made from an old armchair leg and metal drawer handle for the roof...
..and this pretty little number - more akin to the Scottish Highlands than native Cornwall - was inspired by the bottom piece of driftwood, complete with gorgeous heather coloured paint.
I have also made a few smaller, quirky one-offs...
This whale....
...and plane made from an old fishing float and metal strips.
Nearly finished!!
I just
have to tell you about an amazing workshop I took part in at
Cowslip Workshops last weekend! It was run by Edwina Bridgeman who is one of my most favourite artists. She creates amazing art from found objects and junk, and I found her to be really inspirational. You can see her website
here, but I recommend you look her up in
Google images as there is a whole range of her fantastic work there.
This was my attempt - I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out!
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Well done! You made it to the end of my epic post!!
I thought I would leave you with this sweet picture of my partner and youngest son, who are collecting plastic from our local beach. There is something very exciting in the pipeline re this, but that is another story!
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, hopefully I will be back again before too long! xxx