Dear dear readers, I hope you don't feel totally's been almost a whole month since my last confession, I mean post - and I feel rotten about it! Even the last few posts I wrote were rushed ones, mostly apologising for my absence in the blogisphere. I fully expected things to calm down after the big show in June - but to be honest I'm busier than ever! There have been a few times when I've felt completely overwhelmed with work, family, life in general....and I have considered even doing away with SixtyOneA as it would be one less ball to juggle. But then I look at you all on the right there, and I think about the good friends I've made through doing this - some of you have been followers since the beginning - and I just can't bear to let it go! The thing I feel bad about really is not having visited your pages, when you are so loyal to me! I don't want it to feel like a one-sided relationship after all! But (pause for breath!) I've come to the conclusion that it probably doesn't matter if sometimes my ramblings are very irregular (I mean, it's unlikely that I'll be this busy constantly) - I'll just have to make up for it when things are quieter! And I will, I promise!
Well, that's that said....and I hope you're still here?! I've had a little bit of press in the last couple of weeks! First off, a great feature in Making magazine....

Then my blog had a mention in Handmade Living, alongside
Julia Crossland and
Nina (Tabiboo). Whilst they had been informed, it was a complete surprise to me - until I saw my images on Julia's site!

On the creative side, I've had what feels like millions of driftwood cards to make for shops and galleries which has taken up loads of my time, but I have managed to squeeze in a collage commission for my friend, who has bought this for her husband's birthday....

You may recognise it, it's Derwent Water in the Lake District.
Well, I gotta go and make some dinner now. I hope you are all welll and I'll see you again soon xx
Well done for getting an article in a magazine, another for me to seek out and purchase.
ReplyDeleteI was going to email you......You have really inspired me to have a go at collage, and found a picture of my hometown so I thought I would give it ago.
Julie xxxxxxxx
Good to see you back and congratulations on the magazine article - you're doing some really good work.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
Love Diane. x x x x
Don't worry, I'm just about to take a whole six weeks off! ;) haha, great that you are so busy though and the mags look great. not had a chance to get my hands on a copy yet but will search it out! Your new collage is lovely by the way x
ReplyDeleteWell done on the magazine features.
ReplyDeleteLovely new collage.
I read your making article in Making and excitedly called to my husband "look I read her blog" Note to self must get out more.
You are forgiven my child...LOL!
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me, better update my blogs!
The collage I instantly recognised!
You are so good with these.
Congrats on the mags too!
I love that lighthouse display thingy on the making cover...did you make that??
Sandie xx
Ahem, a little bit of press..........more like a double page spread plus. ..........that's fantastic Kirsty, very exciting news.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the irregular blogging, it's life and I'm sure everyone will be more than happy to pop over to visit whenever there's a new post.
Love the collage, never ceases to amaze me.....form torn up pieces of paper to a wonderful picture.
Have a great weekend,
Claire :}
Hey! I've been meaning to email you or comment to tell you I'd seen you in both those magazines. The articles were both fantastic, I hope it leads to even more sales for you!
ReplyDeleteNever worry about irregular blogging, it's nice when you pop in, but I don't think anyone holds it against you, not a published artist like you!
You thoroughly deserve all the recognition.
ReplyDeleteWowzer Kirsty! Look at you, all published and everything! Well done! Don't you worry about not being regular. We're not going anywhere. xxxx
ReplyDeleteI only 'found' your blog recently, but I'm bowled over by the wonderful things you make. You certainly deserve to be featured. As for not posting too often, I'm sure we understand - life's like that sometimes, I'll just continue to look forward to your posts whenever they are!
ReplyDeleteYour collage is so lovely, and I admit your header collage is what drew me to read further in the first place :o)
Best wishes
Rose H
Life IS busy and it doesn't matter at all if you just dip in and out, as and when, we will all still be here following your lovely blog when you have found time and energy to write. Please don't give up Kirsty, I love to see your cheery, gorgeous work.
ReplyDeleteK x
Happy to read you again! And to see new wonderful work!