Monday 3 January 2011

Sorry - it's been a while....

I'm afraid that due to a huge amount of orders in November and December, blogging (both writing posts and reading others) had to be put on the back burner for a while. I feel like I haven't been here for ages! I promise not to neglect you like that again! I hope you all had a joyous festive break.
I remember last year writing a post about all the Christmas presents I'd made for family members: not much time for that this year (I suppose that's a good sign really) but Steve and I did find time to make something special for our niece, Molly....

Actually, the majority of the work was done by Steve, who designed and built this lovely rocking dolls crib. I should have documented with photos from the beginning, but I forgot!
The plywood and dowelling frame was first painted in deep red eggshell....

..and (this is where I came in) the edges were rubbed with candlewax...

Then the whole thing painted in antique white eggshell and rubbed down for a distressed finish.

I then made a mattress with a foam offcut and flannel sheet...

and made a pillow and pillowcase (the Cabbages and Roses spotty fabric was a Fleabay bargain), complete with ric-rac trim...

and the duvet? A Greengate teatowel folded in half with a couple of layers of wadding inside and lace ribbon detail...

Neat huh?

I think she likes it!
Happy New Year everyone - hope it's a great one for you all!


  1. What brill ideas, you are both very creative! I'm sure any little girl would be thrilled to receive such a lovely gift. jennyx

  2. I;m sure she loved it , I know I would have :-)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous. What a very lucky niece.

  4. That's gorgeous kirsty, what a very special present! Happy New Year, hope you've had a good rest xxx

  5. wow!!!!! i bet she does love it!!!! i wouldD at 30!!!! hehehehe x happy new year year x

  6. I think it's beautiful - very, very beautiful.

    Happy New Year Kirsty,

    Nina xx

  7. Fantastic ! My middle one got a rocking crib for her doll this year, she loves tucking the dolls in bed :-) It is so lovely that that was made thoughj as it will be a treasure for your family.

    Well done with being to busy over Christmas, may you have many more months & years of success :-)

  8. That is lovely - I bet in the right sort of shop it would cost silly money to buy something like that.
    Happy New Year!

  9. That's fabulous - what a talented family you are!

    J x

  10. Happy New Year lovely lady. Great present and so so pleased that you've been so busy. Thinking that Mr 61a needs to start a little sideline- he's good! Really good to hear from you, Ax

  11. WOW! the dolls crib is just gorgeous, i bet your niece was pleased i know i would be!!!!

  12. Hello Kirsty! How nice you're back! Sometimes we all are too busy to do everything...
    I'm sure Molly loves that sweet new bed for her doll! It's really lovely and it's so nice to make something like that!
    Happy New Year to you!
